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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Wallace And Gromit System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-11-22 03:00:04 Views : 25682 Destroying enemies: Most enemies can be destroyed with Gromit's hand to hand combat moves. Use them instead of your weapons. You might need to stockpile ammunition for other tasks. Bonus level: After you rescue the baby, go to the area where the elephant has knocked down the doors. To the left of the doors leading to the next part of the jungle is a water chute. Jump into that water chute and go into the hole. You will reach a bonus level. Guards: When Wallace and Gromit get to the the maze (where the guards are located) in Act 4 Part 1, go to the box at the end of the hall in the maze. It will have a paw print. Go into the box. You will notice a guard walking back and forth in his area. There are two guards, and three buttons. When the guards are not looking, press the button. If the guards see you, they will shoot you, even if you are in the box. For this reason, if you block his pathway he will shoot the box that you are in and you will have to start again, and the buttons will be stationary. Also, if they cannot see you, you can run, and not sneak. Note: Once you are pressing the button, at the end of the maze there will be a light blue cube. You will raise the cube if you press the button. Press all three buttons in order to escape from the guards. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Wallace And Gromit cheat codes.
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